Beyond Blue Gambling Rating: 9,1/10 8985 votes

Statistics are showing an increase in online gambling during the COVID-19 pandemic, as people try to entertain themselves, de-stress and manage anxiety. If you’re negatively affected by gambling, it’s important to know what to do and where to turn to for help.

Problem gambling and depression For more information or beyondblue info line 13 1 of 4 This fact sheet looks at the links between depression and gambling problems, and highlights some ways to identify gambling problems and seek help and treatment. Gambling is common in Australian society – nearly 75 per cent of. Beyond Blue takes players on eight unique dives. You will make use of advanced tech in order to document the various species that are encountered, track changes to the ecosystem, and try to figure out just what the heck is bothering a pod of whales that have a new baby whale with them. Hey all you Modern Gamers fans! This your hostess with the mostest back in action with another game review. This is one’s as hot and as it gets cool in the depths of the ocean. A perfect way to end the summer, Beyond Blue! This game takes us into uncharted territory with a school of aquatic animals and underwater views that are to dive for! Anxiety and gambling are also connected, with research suggesting that some people use gambling as a temporary way of relieving anxiety. However, it’s often a vicious cycle – as gambling progresses and if it becomes a problem, it can increase feelings of anxiety and uncertainty. We go above and beyond to make your vision real. Blue Beyond helps leaders and teams succeed. We are people-side-of-business generalists who are expert in the “soft stuff” that is so often the hard stuff — culture, change, talent management, leadership, employee engagement, communications, and organizational effectiveness.

Many people who are at home for extended periods are looking to escape the boredom and monotony. For some, that may mean turning to online gambling, whether they are new to it, taking it up again after a break, or using it to manage their urges if they would normally visit venues to gamble.

“Some gambling certainly appears to have increased, which is unsurprising,” says Dr Charles Livingstone, a gambling researcher and head of the Gambling and Social Determinants unit within Monash University’s School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine.

“Stress is a risk factor for gambling, and life under COVID-19 is of itself stressful for many and may also exacerbate difficulties associated with relationship issues, making ends meet and the prospect, if not the reality, of unemployment and loss of income.”

But turning to gambling as a way to de-stress may easily backfire. On top of the fact that gambling doesn’t always work to relieve stress, online gambling is high-risk: it’s easy to lose a lot of money quickly. This in turn can generate additional stress and cause your wellbeing to suffer.

Are you at risk?

“Anyone can be caught up in a gambling problem,” says Dr Livingstone. “However, those with a stressful life situation – whether related to mental health issues, loneliness, relationship difficulties, poverty and other stressors – are likely to find relief in habitual gambling. This can lead to addictive behaviour, which can aggravate existing circumstances.”

Recognising whether your gambling is a problem can be a valuable step in making decisions about what to do next, and there are self-assessment tools you can use, but Dr Livingstone says the following signs may be an indication:

  • You can’t stop thinking about gambling.
  • You’re spending increasing amounts of time and/or money on it.
  • You’re restless and anxious when you’re not gambling, but find that gambling makes you feel calm and relaxed.
  • Relatives or friends are suggesting you may have a problem.
  • You’re drawing on money that’s needed for household necessities or you’re using credit cards to finance your gambling.
  • You want to stop gambling but find it hard to do.

Beyond Blue Gambling Games

What you can do

  1. Inform yourself. Taking the time to understand gambling, including the impacts it can have, why and how it can get out of control and the role urges play, is a good place to start.
    There are even self-help programs, developed by professional addiction clinicians, which you can complete at your own pace if you feel overwhelmed or apprehensive about sharing your situation with someone else.
  2. Protect your finances. Online gambling can make it harder to keep track of how much you’ve spent, particularly if you’re using a credit card to top up your account.
    There can be a temptation to use credit to chase your losses or to pay off debts you may have as a result of gambling or other financial stresses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, including reduced income or job loss.
    If you are experiencing financial hardship, Financial Counselling Australia coordinates the National Debt Helpline, which provides a range of resources and offers free financial counselling to help you get your finances back on track.
  3. Look after your mental health. Evidence tells us there’s a strong link between gambling and poor mental health.
    People with a gambling problem are twice as likely to be depressed than people without a gambling problem, and are at significantly higher risk of experiencing psychological distress. It can also work the other way: depression may lead someone to gamble in the first place.
    Anxiety and gambling are also connected, with research suggesting that some people use gambling as a temporary way of relieving anxiety. However, it’s often a vicious cycle – as gambling progresses and if it becomes a problem, it can increase feelings of anxiety and uncertainty.
  4. Seek support. Anyone negatively affected by their gambling is strongly encouraged to seek support.
    “Many people find themselves getting into difficulties gambling, and if you decide you’d like to discuss this, there are services available that are free and confidential,” says Dr Livingstone. “Even if you simply want to work out how much of a problem gambling might be for you, they can assist.”
    Support services are available in every Australian state and territory and you can find them via Gambling Help Online, a national service that also offers counselling, extensive information and support 24/7 (1800 858 858).
    People who struggle with problem gambling often also struggle with problem drinking, which can affect your decision-making ability. If this is the case for you, it may also be worth considering whether there have been changes to your drinking during the coronavirus pandemic.
    If it feels like things are getting out of control, for immediate support call Lifeline on 13 11 14.
    If there is immediate risk of harm to yourself or others, always call triple zero (000).

Previewed on PC. Played at EGX Rezzed.

In Beyond Blue, you play as Mirai, the head of a research team that use revolutionary technology to explore and map the ocean and the life underneath the waves. In my brief time with the game, I scanned some dolphins, looked at some whales, got very distracted by how nice the coral looked, and didn’t want to leave.

Like, I really didn’t want to leave. I wanted to stay at the booth and play this game for the next 4 or 5 hours on repeat. Everything about it was bewitching and mystical in the way that only things under the ocean can be. The sounds and the graphics paired perfectly to serve up a slice of something that made you genuinely feel like you were underwater. I feel like Beyond Blue in VR would probably blow my entire mind.

Intrigues of the deep blue depths aside, Beyond Blue also has a perfect educational aspect. In order to make the game as perfect and as scientifically correct as possible, E-Line Media partnered with BBC Studios (the developers of the beautiful and acclaimed Blue Planet 2), world class game makers, and some of the field’s leading ocean experts in order to create something that would perfectly showcase the beauty in the depths below.

Now is perhaps the time to mention that I am absolutely enamoured of underwater diving and exploration games. I’m a one-person Endless Ocean fanclub and I’ve played ABZÛ enough times that I now only sort of cry after finishing it. I admire underwater levels in games. The low-poly water of old PlayStation games fills me with a sense of warmth and nostalgia. I always feel we need more underwater games that capture the allure of the ocean.

Beyond Blue Gambling

Beyond Blue Gambling Game

While Endless Ocean contains mostly accurate facts about ocean creatures, it’s sort of lacking in graphical capacity. Most of the fish are just low-res textures slapped onto a vaguely fish shaped object. ABZÛ, on the other hand, is absolutely beautiful, but lacks any sort of actual science to it. It’s great to play if you want to have a lasting impression of both hope and melancholy left on your soul, but absolutely not the game to play if you’re looking to become an ichthyologist.

Beyond Blue Gambling Movie

From what I saw, Beyond Blue perfectly balances both of these things and is probably a decent resource for aspiring ichthyologists. I was struck by how graphically advanced it was. I felt as though I was surrounded by actual living and breathing creatures. One scene with an octopus had me almost stunned, as I could actually distinguish the individual suckers on its tentacles. You can tell that there’s been a lot of obvious love and care put into the environmental detail of the game.

You can scan the in-game creatures using a specialised tool which reveals vital information about them such as their species and gender. It’s all very scientific and very professional, unlike Endless Ocean, where you just poke the fish until they magically divulge their secrets (the sequel made that feature a little bit more technical, but my point still stands).

The game’s not all cold hard science, however. In the demo I played, Mirai was delightfully witty and snarky in equal measures, bringing a sense of warmth and humanity to the game. Beyond Blue is set to highlight the worst of humanity, including how we’re polluting the ocean with our reckless plastic use, so it’s nice to know that not everyone is a terrible human being.

Beyond Blue Gambling Meaning

Personally, I’m extremely excited to see where Beyond Blue goes. It currently gives off the impression that it perfectly walks the line between education and entertainment which, quite frankly, is a game that we all need but don’t deserve. For far too long have water levels in games been written off as ‘the worst’ – it’s now the ocean’s time to shine bright like an angler fish, before it’s too late.

Beyond Blue will be out in ‘late 2019’ on PC, Mac, Linux, and a variety of consoles. You can check out the Steam page here and the official Beyond Blue website here.

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